| Оригинальное название: Zombie Strippers! | Год выпуска: 2008 | Жанр: ужасы, комедия | Хронометраж: 94 мин | Производство: Sony Pictures Entertainment, Larande Productions, Production Headquarters, Scream HQ, Stage 6 Films | Сайт фильма: http://www.sonypictures.com/homevideo/zombiestrippers/ | Страна: CША | Режиссер: Джей Ли / Jay Lee | Актеры: - Роберт ?нглунд / Robert Englund ... Ian - Дженна Джеймсон / Jenna Jameson ... Kat - Рокси Сэйнт / Roxy Saint ... Lillith - Джои Медина / Joey Medina ... Paco - Шеймрон Мур / Shamron Moore ... Jeannie - Пенни Дрэйк / Penny Drake ... Sox - Дженнифер Холлэнд / Jennifer Holland ... Jessy - Жанетт Суза / Jeannette Sousa ... Berengé - Кэлвин Грин / Calvin Green ... Cole - Уитни Андерсон / Whitney Anderson ... Gaia - Трэвис Вуд / Travis Wood ... Oxnard |
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«Live Dead Nudes»
В ближайшем будущем Джорджа Буша переизбирают на четвертый срок. В ?раке продолжаются военные действия, а в армии США не хватает солдат. Военные ищут решение этого вопроса и проводят испытания вируса, способного оживлять мертвых, чтобы сделать из них идеальных солдат, которые продолжают бой до тех пор, пока им не отстрелят голову. К сожалению, эксперимент выходит из-под контроля, и чтобы уничтожить множащуюся армию зомби, на помощь приходит взвод пехотинцев. Одного из пехотинцев Берда Флю кусает недобитый зомби. Пехотинцу удается прорваться сквозь зону карантина, и он случайно попадает в стрип-бар ”Rhino’s”...
Памятные цитаты:
Lillith: [after stripping for the first time as a zombie] Death is good.
Paco: Badgers? Badgers? We don't need no stinking badgers!
Lt. Ryker: Today's a good day to die!
Dr. Genet: The virus is based on the human X chromosome, so it stays more pure from woman to woman. But once you get a man in there, like everything else, it all goes to shit.
Ian: Tired of that same old lap dance? Well pull up an extra seat, young fellas, and experience Rino's exclusive face dance! One of our lovely ladies will sit on your face and give birth to your head!
Kat: [to Jessy] Kid, it takes more than desperation to get out there on that stage. You either got it or you don't, baby.
Jeannie: You're fucking dead!
Kat: I was, but now I'm back!
Sox: Not possible. This is not possible.
Lillith: How does it feel?
Kat: Great. I've never felt more alive!
Gaia: Oh sweet irony!
[Kat turns to walk away]
Lillith: Hey, where are you going?
Kat: I'm going to dance.
Cole: Hey, you think this is a good idea? I mean, wasn't that bitch dead a minute ago?
Ian: Fuck it. What's the worse that can happen?
Kat: Love is dead.
Jeannie: [offering herself to zombie] Come to mama.
Paco: It's Paco time.
Jessy: They're zombies.
Madame Blavatski: No. They're strippers.
Berengé: [cocking shotgun] They're zombie strippers!
Dr. Chushfeld: Iraq is making us enough money to make god cream in his fucking jeans!
Announcer: George W Bush has won his fourth consecutive term as president, taking Florida, which due to a glitch in the Jeb B voting terminals, tallied one single vote for President Bush and Vice President Schwarzenegger. Bush's presidency was unanimously declared legally binding by the Supreme Court as well as "totally cool" by Supreme Justice Jenna Bush who subsequently set in motion another Supreme Kegger. Following the landslide victory, a constitutional amendment banning public nudity was implemented. Shortly thereafter, President Bush dissolved Congress, claiming it was "cramping his style." American Troops continue to be strung thin due to the still raging wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Venezuela, France, Canada, and Alaska.
Sox: How's it feel... death?
Lillith: It feels like snow and stars.
Gaia: Aw, that's pretty!
Lillith: I remember once lying in the snow under a clear blanket of stars, there were so many stars... You couldn't comprehend what it was like. That vast un-knowable void. But now I understand it. I feel I'm a part of it, that infinite nothingness... I wanna strip. Who's on? Fuck it, I'm gonna dance.
Davis: I need to talk to you.
Jessy: Make it quick.
Davis: I need to know what the meaning of life is.
Jessy: You're kidding.
Davis: I know we're Christians, and what you're doing is a sin, but the intent is, well, Christ-like with you sacrificing yourself and all. So what are morals? Do the ends justify the means? But then again the road to hell is paved with good intentions, so... darn, I'm out of clichés.
Знаете ли Вы, что...
Это дебютная не-порно-роль Джеммы Джеймсон. В интервью она говорила, что фанатеет от фильмов ужасов, особенно "Кошмара на улице Вязов", и надеется, что кинематограф примет ее с распростертыми объятьями.