| Оригинальное название: Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles | Год выпуска: 1994 | Жанр: ужасы, драма, мист | Хронометраж: 123 мин | Бюджет: 60 млн($) | Производство: Geffen Pictures | Сайт фильма: http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/2539/vampire.html | Страна: США | Режиссер: Neil Jordan / Нил Джордан | Актеры: - Brad Pitt / Брэд Питт - Tom Cruise / Том Круз - Kirsten Dunst / Кирстен Данст - Antonio Banderas / Антонио Бандерас - Christian Slater / Кристиан Слэйтер |
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К падкому на сенсации журналисту приходит вампир, чтобы поведать историю своей жизни. Все началось в 1791 году, когда молодой плантатор Луи, потеряв жену и ребенка, захотел умереть, но «родился для мрака». Выслушав рассказ вампира, журналист пожелал стать таким же, как он...
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Louis: 1791 was the year it happened. I was 24, younger than you are now. But times were different then, I was a man at that age: the master of a large plantation just south of New Orleans. I had lost my wife in childbirth, and she and the infant had been buried less than half a year. I would have been happy of join them. I couldn't bear the pain of their loss. I longed to be released from it. I wanted to lose it all... my wealth, my estate, my sanity. My invitation was open to anyone. To the whore at my side. To the pimp that followed. But it was a vampire that accepted it.
Lestat: No one could resist me, not even you, Louis. Louis: I tried. Lestat: [smiling] And the more you tried, the more I wanted you.
Lestat: Your body's dying. Pay no attention, It happens to us all.
Lestat: You are a vampire who never knew what life was until it ran out in a big gush over your lips.
Claudia: One lesson you taught me. Never drink from the dead.
Lestat: Claudia, you have been a very, very naughty little girl.
Armand: I know nothing of God, or the Devil. I have never seen a vision nor learned a secret that will damn or save my soul. And as far as I know, after four hundred years, I am the oldest living vampire in the world.
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Первоначально на роль журналиста планировался Риверс Феникс, но он умер. На роль Клаудии пробовалась Кристина Риччи, а на роль Лестата приглашали Джонни Деппа.